Wednesday, April 22, 2009

How to get pleasure from the EBook

There are papers books and electronic books. Devices - in which thrust in words printed on a paper, or written with the special code in a digital format.

Find a good book is not easy. ADVERTISEMENT sells only what is good for sale!.

But now you can go online.

EBooks are also different.
Comparison of e-book formats

Some just scanned paper book. Digital copy. Other - based popular formats. To make it easier to sell. Deceive readers and receive money. Third - are created in the process of creativity.

Yes. Creatively to create a book!
It is so! Not to copy (to steal) from on-line sources and add pictures to them.
Namely - to create!
At first is literary work. Then are sceneries, registration. Cast of artists on the role of book characters. Photo and video survey. Creation of music and sound accompaniment. User design. Programming. Art edition. And publication.

Interesting to read a book that speaks to you, allows you to change the plot line to use additional resources, shows you not only the landscape, but also why it is such a?

When the book affects all the senses, not only on our ability to read, then we allow the book to create for us a new reality.

Multimedia Ebooks - is the way to obtain pleasure from life, not from the fact that we impose advertisement.

At first - look video about a book.
EBook Trailer
Easily, as though leafed over a book and saw main events. Not separate words and suggestions - EVENTS.

- Online purchase
- Download.
- Installing.
- And pleasure.

For particularly stupid - there is a free pre-promo. For example
In which - grind ...
What, how and why....

It is more difficult to stand in stalls with hundreds of paper books. Browse them. Portray an experienced reader.
Or - even easier! Read exactly what is advertised. How it all.
How to tell "his majesty" - Trade.

Good luck!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Too emotionally and nothing clearly. It is not English.