Part 1
Let's begin with the most important thing: contents.
If Multimedia EBook use video as element of promotion, advertising, VOOK - simply duplicates the written text video-image means.
The excellent idea - to combine the film created under the book with the book! That users did not strain the brains exhausted with daily occurrence, did not read many letters combined in words and offers, and have looked already ready version of events occurring in the book "chewed" by someone.
Certainly, such form is convenient and popular if to sell, especially, copies of popular films and to name their books. Electronic books are now very popular. Now it is possible to look films in high quality on mobile devices. Also there are still people who are able to read. To combine these three possibilities and this substitute necessarily somebody will buy. After all it was made by Brad Inman! In a zoo - a new hippopotamus!
And this hippopotamus will discuss very actively in social networks. Because all already saw, and all is what to tell. Why not?
Videos - are moving pictures. Certainly! But what for to create new when it is possible to use Oscar's already available nominees? By which it is already paid for advertising of a way of life necessary for all of us. The success - is guaranteed!
«The hippopotamus opens a mouth and smiles» At the director - two Oscars, at a script writer - three Oscars …
In a leading role - Brad Pitt.
For those who has not learnt Brad Pitt, the director and a script writer, there is a text with a full explanation of an event.
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