Summer holiday has ended and our publishing house has again started to regular work.
What is expected?
Within the next few days the first part of the known book of George Stenkin - 100 gramme of culture, please... (3 1/2 ounces of culture, please...) will be published.
In new, multimedia edition.
The beta publication is accessible to free viewing already now. More truly - to use. Because, usual viewing there it will not turn out. The multimedia ebook needs to participate in multimedia actively. To play. Either - to read. Or - to observe. To whom that is pleasant more. Or - to join in full action. With all multi-media possibilities.
About what there will be this multimedia ebook?
About money, and about the politician.
More precisely: - about possibility of a fine life without presence at it of money and a policy. A little utopian, but it is real. And it is strange. Especially, during a global economic crisis.
Work on available series of multimedia ebooks will proceed: Venus Doom, Perfect Woman, and andr.
Also there is already begun activity on producing of a new series - the Divine soul. There is a selection of investors, actors. Scenario working out.
To new meetings on virtual pages of our Multimedia Ebooks!
Eveda Edition